Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Philosophy Of Education And Methods Of Teaching Essay - 1

Philosophy Of Education And Methods Of Teaching - Essay Example Education is a serious matter. It must be taken as such. A lot of planning and skilled in dealing with pupils is necessary. As a teacher, I have to tread slowly, steadily and carefully for I have to be dealing with sensitive and impressionable precious human pupils. Philosophy brings forth rightful action. It provides the real cohesive force and necessary academic bonding among the students and the teacher. It leads to the evolving of a conducive environ from within and without. 'Catch them white and dye them hard' has been the aim of education in earlier years since time immemorial. This trend is changing today. Education and teaching are not just lecturing by the teacher. Creativity has to be there. Education is no more where 'rule rules the roost'. Caning of students is no more advisable. A teacher has to teach along while remaining as a friend to students. Philosophy is wisdom, knowledge, virtue, and truth. It is paradigmatic from within. It is always there. Philosophy has an element of timelessness in it. It is dynamic though it does not change. There is a generally accepted notion that 'change is the law of nature'. True it is. Yet, this law by itself does not change. That's how philosophy does not change. Despite this, it is not static but vibrant. Philosophy, as such, represents a way of life. Philosophy may differ from person to person because every individual interprets and understands the philosophy of life in one's own way. Indeed, the reality of philosophy is difficult to grasp fully. As many ways of realizing the ultimate truth are, therefore, amongst us as there are individuals in this world. The ultimate goal is, however, one only. This is the goal of knowing one's own self. This goal is pursued knowingly and, at times, unknowingly. The latter is the case when we do not know where and in which direction we are going while living on this spaceship Earth.

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